I took a look at some applications for e-learning on mobile phones... I think it could be very attractive to run the user interface for a complete LMS on a mobile.
I found MobiGlam from Wales which is implementing an interface for Moodle in mobile phones (http://mobi.etrainingwales.com/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php). I got an account from the university and was able to test a simulation on my computer, it looked nice.
I also found co4mo "the Mobile Community Platform of eLibera" (http://elibera.com:8080/pages/home.xhtml) and installed it on my SonyEricsson P990i.Not many of the functions worked though. I then read the instructions for co4mo on SonyEricsson P990:
"Status: not so good, only the basic features work
Features: You can't play (or record) audio and video, No Bluetooth features, You can't use files (audio, video, pictures) from your mobile phone, You can't store files to your mobile phone, No file caching, No location features
Test report: No test report for this device avaliable"
Will this type a applications be a realistic alternative for e-learning? There are 100's of different type of mobile phones out there....
Maybe one should focus on using SMS, MMS and when where 3G is available, web applications?